Monday, 8 September 2014

A Look into my Itunes..

I thought it would be a bit of fun to give you a little glance into the music I listen to by looking at my top 5 recently played, recently added and top most played songs on my Itunes.
you might also find a few songs you haven't heard yet or maybe forgotten about so make sure you give them a listen.

Recently Added.
1. Mapei - Don't wait.

Click here to listen!

2. Mansions on the moon - Don't tell

Click here to listen!

3. Troye Sivan - Touch
Click here to listen!

4. The knack - Sharona
Click here to listen!

5. Snow Patrol - Just say yes
Click here to listen!

Recently Played.
1. Arctic Monkeys - Mad sounds
Click Here to listen!

2. 5 seconds of summer - Don't Stop 
Click here to listen!

3.The 1975 - Undo
Click here to listen!

4. Go yama - BMOYAMA (Go yama lake flip from adventure time)
Click here to listen!

5. Arctic Monkeys - Red light indicates doors are secure.
Click here to listen!

Top Most Played.

1. The 1975 - Chocolate
Click here to listen!

2. Atl-j - Breezeblocks
Click here to listen!

3. Panic! at the Disco - Girls/Girls/Boys
Click Here to listen!

4. The 1975 - Ghosts
Click here to listen!

5. Ellie Goulding - Explosions
Click here to listen!

So there you have it, My itunes, And if you havn't already guessed I really like The 1975.. alot!
Let me know if you like any of these songs and if you'd like you can let me know your top played song or recently played song on your itunes, i'd love to know.



Monday, 1 September 2014

Inter railing, Europe 1st-21st July 2014: Amsterdam.

First Stop: Amsterdam.

Amsterdaaammn, the perfect start to an amazing trip. So much to do and see, we were always kept busy. If I had to pick my favourite part (which is very hard) I'd have to say, The pedal-boats. It was just so much fun pedaling around the canal with my friends and you get to see the beautiful historical architecture of Amsterdam. It was just a great experience and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Another great part of Amsterdam are its parks. There is the one in front of the IAMsterdam sign and then there's Vondel Park. The Park in front of the sign was a great place to sit and chill because it was nearer our hostel and you can watch people take pictures and climb on top of the sign. There's the water features around the park that make it even more beautiful. Vondel Park is better for an Amsterdammer experience. There are so many people sitting around having BBQ's and having a few drinks with their friends and you dont feel in danger or unsafe you feel very comfortable and welcome. I looked it up out of interest and I read that "Amsterdam ranks 22 out of 215 world cities for personal saftey. Cities like London and Paris Don't even make the top 50, 'that just shows you'. Vondel Park is so big also that there's always something new to see and it is 'de' place for working out. There are people everywhere doing exercise. I saw people cheerleading, doing martial arts, yoga, and roller blading. If you can think of it I saw it. While we where there we saw artwork around the park (can't remember why thought). It was great trying to get around see them all.
 Another must see is obviously the Anne Frank museum. It is incredible, such an interesting yet sad history. It's Just amazing to see and walk through the house, certainly one of the highlights of the trip.
Well that was pretty much all we had time to do in Amsterdam, so I guess all I can say for now is
'Amsterdam', Thank you for a unforgetable time and .. ill be back!

The IAMsterdam sign.

Water Fountain Fun.

 Vondel Park.

Getting Lost.

 Waiting in line for The Anne Frank Museum.

Beautiful Buildings.

Chillin in the Park.

Me and My Favourite person.

 Playground Fun.

 City center.


I hope you enjoyed this post about what I got up to in Amsterdam.If you did make sure you visit here again as I will be writing more posts about my Inter railing adventure around europe in the near future, so don't forget to follow, comment and share. Thanks :)



Amsterdam Facts -